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Stacey Pritchard Femss

A Mile in Stacey's Heels

Who is Stacey Pritchard..

Mum to one ( my gorgeous boy), two if you count our dog (Hank the French Bulldog), business owner, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, foodie lover of travel. My gorgeous boy has Autsim and ADHD, I knew being home with him as much as possible was what he needed so when I had the chance to go from a busy corporate job juggling mum life, hospital appointments and work, I decided to create a life that worked for us, I set up my first business in 2018, and fell in love with entrepreneur life.

How would you describe your personal style? Depends on my mood, I appreciate the passing fashion trends, but I am basics girl, I love my staples, pieces that I can dress up or down depending on my day and mood.

Something in your handbag that you think no one else will have? A Nikon camera, box light and tripod,  I am always on the look out for a good photo op to create content, its a running joke my family are afraid to tuck into food before asking me if i need a pic first.

A moment in life when you thought nothing could get better? My first year after being made redundant, I had launched my first business and was high off the success, I felt like I was able to give Carter the input he needed and watched him become so confident, and we travelled so much, we had the perfect work life balance, I remember thinking "This is it"

Your biggest achievement? My son, bet loads of Mums say that, but I have watched him grow into such a confident little boy, reach milestones I never thought he would... and I take a huge amount of pride in the input I had in that. Also as a Mum its so hard not to not focus on all the areas you feel your failing, and it has taken a long time to stand up and go yeah "he's awesome and that is because of me".

Biggest adulting fail or most embarrassing moment? In my younger days, I went to party and as you do ended up going in to town, I hadn't taken a handbag but had randomly had hold of a carrier bag that had the gift and card in. Fast forward I decide to leave the club, and this doorman grabs my arm, I pull away and roll my eyes, and he grabs me again points to his face for a kiss ... I give him the " I hAve a boyfrIend"  and he lets me leave. I get home walk in look in the mirror to find the ink form the carrier bag ALL OVER MY FACE.. it dawned On me he didn't want my number or a kiss, just to tell me I hAve blue ink all over my face. 

Your happy place? LA, I have made some of THE best memories there, with Sam when i tagged along on her work trips, went on day out to a cemetery and with my whole family, trips to Disney and Santa Monica, Chucky Cheese parties.

Advice to your younger self? Other peoples opinion of you is none of your business, stand up for yourself, be confident in your own voice and strive for everything you want.

Hardest lesson to learn? Saying no, a people pleaser to the core its took many many many years to learn to saying no is ok, and I still hate it. The people that love you will not mind, and those that do wont be in your life for long anyway.

Who is your biggest inspiration? My Mum, honestly everyone needs a Sue in their lives, my biggest cheerleader, the one who pushes me to grab life by the balls. She hasn't had the easiest of lives , caring for my terminally ill brother who we devastatingly lost aged 10, living with an extremely abusive partner during this and then going on to foster so many children and not only give them a home, but a family... I could go on forever as to why she is inspiring.

Something you're passionate right now? Femss, obvious choice haha ! but I really am, I don't do anything that I don't feel in my soul, I really realLy believe in what we are creating, it's not just clothes to us, we really want to create clothes that women can invest in, that you buy and know you can make 10/15/20 outfits from, that your going to wear weekly if not daily, with a quality that feel luxe and premium every time you wear, and every item sold, and loved ... honestly is worth all the hard work.

Quick fire round 

Heels or flats  Heels

High fashion or high street Impossible to choose 

Dress up or Dress down Dressed up

Early rise or night owl Night owl

Tea or coffee Coffee

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