Who is Roz Kaur..
Roz Kaur (pronounced as core) is stylist, diversity, and pro-age activist who has been working in the fashion industry for over 30 years….teaching women how to develop and maintain their authentic personal style.
Her Instagram Roz_creativestylist is a place for inspiration and creativity with a focus on positive aging.
How would you describe your personal style? Electric-Chic.
Something in your handbag that you think no one else will have? I have this tiny, blue pill case. It has 3 small compartments. I use it to hold acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and simethicone pills.
A moment in life when you thought nothing could get? When I suddenly lost my husband six years ago to Cardiac arrest ( I have never shared this with anybody)
Your biggest achievement? Resilience, Reinvention and Re-creation!!!!!!
Biggest adulting fail or Most embarrassing moment? Years ago I got off the bus in the pouring rain in San Francisco with bags in both hands, soaked to the bone. As the bus was leaving, a gust of wind blew my skirt up — and it was wet, so it just stuck there. I wanted to DIE !!!
Your happy place? My home
Advice to your younger self? You've spent too many days and years trying to please others and be what they wanted you to be. Such a waste of time !!! Wish I knew then what I know now that the relationship you have with yourself is the most important one!!!
Hardest lesson to learn? You cannot please everyone!
Who is your biggest inspiration? My biggest fashion inspiration is anyone who looks and acts comfortable in her skin. I look up to Lauren Hutton for being true to herself. When she started modelling, she was told to get the gap between her two front teeth fixed, but she refused. That gap, along with her beauty and grace, made her the fashion icon she is today.
Something you're passionate about right now? Developing a habit for uplifting and helping others whether it’s in my personal life or through charity work with others is what energizes me right now !!!
Quick fire round:
Heels or flats: Flats
High fashion or high street: High Street
Dress up or Dress down: Dress up to look Effortless cool
Early rise or night owl: Early rise
Tea or coffee: Tea
Photo Credit: @permanentglimpse
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